The Stargate Project was the code name for a top secret US military operation that used remote viewing to gather intelligence on its enemies. It was launched during the height of the Cold War in the early 1970s, although the US Government had occasionally funded research into ESP since World War II.
Also known as Scanate, Flame Grill and Sun Streak, military research into ESP was eventually shut down in 1995 - after 23 years and $20 million of US Government funding. The project was declassified and the media pounced on it. Why was the US military funding millions into researching psychic powers? Had they gone completely bonkers or was there some proof that remote viewing worked?
The Psychic Spy
Skip Atwater is one believer. He is the Research Director at The Monroe Institute, a leading force in remote viewing research. His military background is legendary: from 1977 to 1987 he was the Operations and Training Officer for the Army Intelligence Branch of the US Government Remote Viewing Programme. He was a psychic spy in the Stargate Project.
To this day, Skip and the team from Stargate remain convinced of its validity. Having learned how to remote view with expertise, they could see just about anywhere - not just behind Soviet lines.
They point to the time when one member, Ingo Swann, went remote viewing around Jupiter in 1973. Under strict experimental conditions (organized by scientists Targ and Puthoff), Swann described the physical features of Jupiter, like the surface, atmosphere and weather.
He also claimed it had crystal bands of planetary rings, like Saturn but not as far out. This observation was very controversial at the time. Six years later, in 1979, the Voyager probe got closer to Jupiter than ever before, and confirmed it had rings of charged dust particles, just like Swann described.Remote Viewing into The Future
Here are some more examples of successful precognitive remote viewing during the Stargate Project:
- Joseph McMoneagle predicted the January 1980 launch date of a new submarine. Satellite photos confirmed this.
- Keith Harary saw the release of a hostage held by Iranian militants due to medical problems. He described the symptoms as nausea and damage down one side of the body. Three weeks later, the hostage was freed with muscle weakness, facial numbness, tremors and multiple sclerosis which affected his muscles on one side.
Source: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy: The Remarkable Life of US Government Remote Viewer 001 by Joseph McMoneagle.
- Paul H Smith retrospectively relayed his remote viewing session of the attack on the American warship, the USS Stark. He produced a detailed 30-page report detailing the location, method and reason behind the attack.
Source: Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate - America's Psychic Espionage Program by Paul H Smith.
Official Results of The Stargate Project
The US Government decided to collect as much evidence as they could on Stargate. If remote viewing was real, they wanted to know about it.
Reports were made each year on the RV data collected, and ongoing funding was approved every six months by the Senate and House select committee. Success rates were never relayed to the psychic spy, so as not to damage confidence in their RV abilities.
Stargate was really a last resort for the military. It would only send a mission to a psychic spy when all other intelligence was exhausted. However, at its peak, the project used around 22 remote viewers. Any information gathered had to be verified by another source. They couldn't act on the remote viewing data alone - it was never deemed foolproof.
In 1995 the project was transferred to the CIA. It asked the American Institutes of Research (AIR) to evaluate all the remote viewing data. But before AIR got to work, the CIA received two conflicting reports on the data.
The first report said the average psychic spy scored 5-15% above chance on their remote viewing targets, and while the data was vague, it was very promising. It concluded that ESP - and especially precognition - was proven to exist.
The other report said it was too early to tell, and nothing should be assumed. On the back of this report, the CIA terminated the Stargate Project.
No longer restricted by the US Government's top secret status, the psychic spies of the Stargate Project became famous. They wrote books, made wild claims (in one instance, remote murder) and created their own research programmes.
Skip Atwater says be careful who you listen to: some of them are just cashing in on the Stargate Project, trying to make money with sensationalist claims of psychic powers. The genuine ones tend reject labels like "psychic" or "clairvoyant" - they just want to explore the nature of consciousness and its interaction with the subatomic world.
Could you be a psychic spy? The Stargate Project may be over but you can still experiment with remote viewing yourself. Check out my remote viewing experiment and see what success you have with my random targets.
Some key project personnel
Major General Albert Stubblebine
A key sponsor of the research internally at Fort Meade, MD, MG Stubblebine was convinced of the reality of a wide variety of psychic phenomena. He required that all of his Battalion Commanders learn how to bend spoons a la Uri Geller, and he himself attempted several psychic feats, even attempting to walk through walls. In the early 1980s he was responsible for the United States Army Intelligence and Security CommandSpecial Forces primarily out of Fort Bragg, with Stargate. After some controversy involving these experiments and alleged security violations from uncleared civilian psychics working in Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs), Major General Stubblebine was placed on retirement. His successor as the INSCOM commander was Major General Harry Soyster, who had a reputation as a much more conservative and conventional intelligence officer. MG Soyster was not amenable to continuing paranormal experiments and the Army's participation in Project Stargate ended during his tenure. (INSCOM), during which time the remote viewing project in the US Army began. Some commentators have confused a "Project Jedi", allegedly run byIngo Swann
Originally tested in the "Phase One" were OOBE-Beacon "RV" experiments at The American Society for Psychical Research, under research director Dr. Karlis Osis. A former OT VII Scientologist, who alleged to have coined the term 'remote viewing' as a derivation of protocols originally developed by RenĂ© Warcollier, a French chemical engineer in the early 20th century, documented in the book Mind to Mind. Swann's achievement was to break free from the conventional mold of casual experimentation and candidate burn out, and develop a viable set of protocols that put clairvoyance within a framework named “Coordinate Remote Viewing” (CRV). In a 1995 letter Ed May wrote he had not used Swann for two years because there were rumors of him briefing a high level person at SAIC on remote viewing and aliens, ETs. Though Swann was a good receiver, May had two current receivers that were better.Keith Harary
Originally tested at The American Society for Psychical Research, under research director, Karlis Osis, as a teenager, during "phase Two" of the OOBE-Beacon "RV" experiments, during the SCANATE period of The Stargate Program.
He would join later the "RV" team at The Stanford Research Institute SRI, and help refine and introduce another remote viewing protocol for review and study
Pat Price
A former Burbank, California, police officer who participated in a number of Cold War era Remote viewingSCANATE and the Star Project. Working with maps and photographs provided to him by the CIA, Price claimed to have been able to retrieve information from facilities behind Soviet Lines. He is probably best known for his sketches of cranes and gantries which appeared to conform to CIA intelligence photographs. At the time, his claims were taken seriously by the CIA. experiments, including the US government sponsored project
In addition to his participation in remote viewing experiments, Price believed that aliens had established four underground bases on Earth. He offered reports on these locations to Harold E. Puthoff, formerly of SRI International, the principal scientific investigator for Project SCANATE.
For a time he worked alongside/in competition with Ingo Swann.
Joseph McMoneagle
McMoneagle claims he had a remarkable memory of very early childhood events. He grew up surrounded by alcoholism, abuse and poverty. As a child he had visions of small rabbit that would come to him at night, to comfort him when he was alone and scared, and first began to hone his psychic abilities in his teens for his own protection when he hitchhiked. He enlisted to get away. McMoneagle became an experimental remote viewer, while serving in U.S. Army Intelligence.
Lyn Buchanan
Buchanan was a sergeant brought in by General Stubblebine for two main reasons: firstly he was believed to possess extraordinary telekinetic abilities, and secondly computer software expertise. These made him exceptionally well-qualified to be the database manager for the Stargate project. In this role, Buchanan had the opportunity to work with all the key members of the unit, and in possession of statistical analysis of the session data, was able to properly assess the accuracy of the session data obtained. After leaving the forces, Buchanan founded "Problems > Solutions > Innovations", contracted Mel Riley to work for his company, and continues to undertake private tuition.
Frederick "Skip" Atwater
An INSCOM officer from Ft. Meade served as its military operations officer from 1978 until his retirement in 1987. In 2007 Atwater was interviewed for TAPS Paramagazine by Dennis "DJ" Mikolay.Mel Riley
Riley is an army Sergeant who retired in 1991. Riley was noted for being able to describe what lay under objects in aerial photography. In 1984, the CRV unit had only several trained remote viewers, and Riley was requested transferred to the unit. Riley was featured in the documentary released in 1995 by the BBC titled "The Real X-Files." He has recounted past life experiences as a Native American, and continues to be involved in native American culture.Paul H. Smith
Smith is a retired U.S. Army Major and intelligence officer. Smith was one of the five people trained as a prototype test subject in Ingo Swann's psychic development of the CRV protocols in 1983. Upon the closure of the Army's Center Lane remote viewing program, Smith was re-assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency’s follow-on remote viewing unit, Sun Streak, which later became Star Gate. He was the main author of what is known today as the “CRV Manual”. Its purpose was simply to serve as a guide and a reference for the terminology and it served to show inquisitive lawmakers what the millions of dollars were being spent on. Swann wrote to Smith giving Smith's manual his approval. Smith has published articles on remote viewing in UFO Magazine, and about dowsing and remote viewing in The American Dowser, the quarterly journal of the American Society of Dowsers. His book Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate: America's Psychic Espionage Program was the book bonus feature for the March 2006 Reader's Digest as The Most Secret Agent. In his book Smith tells the reader there are those who can bend spoons with their minds, claims he has remote viewed into the future and bilocated, has some doubts about the place of extraordinary memories of his fellow remote viewers, shows he believes in Ingo Swann's teachings, honesty and versions of events, and supports the military potential of remote viewing. Smith blames bureaucrats afraid to take a risk, selective data and close-minded skeptics for the closing of Star Gate.Ed Dames
Dames was one of the first five Army students trained by Ingo Swann through Stage 3 in coordinate remote viewing. Because Dames' role was intended to be as session monitor and analyst as an aid to Fred Atwater rather than a remote viewer, Dames received no further formal remote viewing training. After his assignment to the remote viewing unit at the end of January 1986 he was used to "run" remote viewers (as monitor) and provide training and practice sessions to viewer personnel. He soon established a reputation for pushing CRV to extremes, with target sessions on Atlantis, Mars, UFOs, and aliens. He has been a guest more than 30 times on the Coast to Coast AM radio show.
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